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Stacey, having the typical experience a young vibrant 50-year-old woman would have, facing a mid-life crisis, an empty nest, and a whole lot of time on her hands would take some time to rethink the next chapter in her life. For Stacy, 50 was the new 30 and though she didn’t quite look as young as 30, she didn’t look anywhere near 50. Stacey was determined to overcome the mental and emotional anguish that only turning 50 could bring. Stacey would no longer wait for someone to give her the life she wanted but she was going to go out and take the life she wanted. She had almost given up on finding love again and found herself experiencing things she had only dreamed of. Striving to please God and pursue His will for her life, she would be faced with distractions, tests and opportunities that would either take her closer or further from her destiny. It was time to reinvent herself and figure out who she wanted to be. Join Stacey in her pursuit of Finding….Herself!

Finding Herself the Novel

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